Elon Musk’s interview with Donald Trump caused leftists around the world to panic. Media reports mocked X over the “technical problems” at the start of the event, while ignoring Musk’s claim of a DDoS attack. A European Union official threatened X with more lawsuits if he didn’t censor Trump. And U.S. journalists and the White House even suggested that Musk should face consequences for spreading “disinformation.” Glenn reads the EU’s statement, which is one of the most shocking things he has ever read from a modern Western power: “When has speech become ‘too risky?’ … It makes Saudi Arabia look [free].” Glenn also connects the dots: Why are so many western governments suddenly cracking down on free speech?
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: So, Stu, if you were reading the news today, what would your impression of the Elon Musk/Donald Trump spaces be?
STU: Well, they had technical problems, Glenn. That was the main takeaway. They started late. And that was the most important thing I got out of the conversation. They did not start on time.
GLENN: Right. That's not actually what happened.
Elon Musk said that the spaces came under a massive coordinated DDOS denial of service attack.
With everything that is going on in the world, I tend to believe that. But there's not a single story in the mainstream media that is reporting that. They're just saying, he has a failed platform. And that, you know, this is -- this is exactly what happened with Ron DeSantis. Yada, yada.
And I believe when Ron DeSantis did it. It probably wasn't prime time. But you don't do that twice. You know what I mean? He said he was testing the servers. They could have handled 8 million people. That's as high as they tested, yesterday. But said everything was fine. And there ended up being about a million live, according to the reports. But I don't know what to believe anymore.
And I was shocked that they didn't spend more time on that, and more time on what -- what they were threatened with. What Elon Musk was threatened with, by the European Union yesterday.
I -- I don't know if you've seen this letter. To Elon Musk. But I just want to read some of it.
It's quite long. It's a full page. But it's worth hearing, in America.
Dear Mr. Musk, I'm writing you, in the context of recent events in the United Kingdom. And in relation to the planned broadcast on your platform X of a live conversation between a US presidential candidate and yourself, which will also be accessible to users in the EU. Okay.
Oh, well, there's a lot of things that happened on CNN that are available to European Union -- users. Why is Elon Musk being singled out. And Elon Musk invited Kamala Harris to do the same thing with her. She turned it down.
I understand that you're currently doing a stress test of the platform in this context.
I'm compelled to remind you of the due diligence obligations set out in the digital services act.
This is a -- just an absolute Draconian act on free speech in the European Union. The left has found a way to outsource freedom of speech.
The suppression of freedom of speech. Our government doesn't have to do it because the EU can now do it to us.
As the individual entity ultimately controlling a platform with over 300 million users world-wide. Which is one-third in the EU.
That has been designated as a very large online platform. You have the legal obligation to ensure X's compliance with EU laws. And in particular, the digital services act in the EU.
This notably, means ensuring on one hand, that freedom of expression. And information. Including media freedom. And pluralism are effectively protected.
And on the other hand, that all proportionate and effective mitigation members -- measures are put into place, regarding the amplification of harmful content, in connection with relevant events, including live-streaming, which if unaddressed might increase the risk profile of X and generate detrimental effects on civil discourse and public security.
This is important against the background of recent example of public unrest, brought about by the amplification of content, that promotes hatred, disorder, incitement of violence, or certain instances of disinformation.
Now, I want to remind you that the WEF, the world economic forum in Davos, what was their number one problem that they had to solve?
It was bigger than global warming. It was bigger than any other thing. I mean, it came out of nowhere. And it was their number one problem. That they needed to focus on.
Do you remember what it was, Stu?
STU: Hmm. No. Not off the top of my head.
GLENN: Mis, dis, and malinformation.
Uh-huh. They said, they had to stop this, because it was going to be a problem, this year.
Examine so they had to do everything they could to stop it.
And Klaus Schwab said, you've got to trust the system.
So you have to trust the system. What do you -- who are you speaking to?
He was speaking to the leadership of the West. He was speaking to all of the prime ministers. And the heads of security. And everything else.
Saying, we've got this under control, nobody abandon ship.
You stay on board. We have this.
This is a direct reflection of that. It also implies, informing EU judicial and administrative authorities without undue delay on the measures taken to address their orders, against content considered illegal, according to national and EU law, taking timely diligent, non-arbitrary, and objective action, upon receipt of notices by users considering certain content illegal and informing users, concerning the measures taken upon receipt of the relevant notice, and publicly reporting about content moderation measures. This is absolutely incredible.
I mean, this is V for vendetta, or 1984 stuff.
In the respect, I note that the DHS obligations apply without exceptions or discrimination to the moderation of the whole user community and content of X. Including yourself, as a user with 190 million followers.
Which is accessible to EU users. And should be fulfilled in line with the risk-based approach of the DSA. Which requires greater due diligence in case of a foreseeable increase in the risk profile.
So they're saying, that he -- he should not be running this interview. Because it's too risky.
Now, let me ask you something. America.
When has speech become too risky?
What was it, that Donald Trump said yesterday, that was so scary?
These people are trying to shut down your access to any other point of view.
You'll notice, they don't say anything, when Democrats say, elections are stolen. And Republicans will steal this one.
Now, Donald Trump alluded to election fraud. But he was talking about making sure that when he's in office, we will have paper ballots. We'll be able to count a record of everything we do.
Where is the equal footing here, on freedom of speech?
Mike Lee tweeted, back to the EU.
Go to hell.
That's like an F-word fun festival for Mike Lee to say that. This is absolutely unrecognizable to me in the West. It is making -- it is making Saudi Arabia, look like a kind of open place.
They finish, let me clarify: That any negative effect of illegal content on X in the EU, which could be attributed to the ineffectiveness of the way in which X applies the relevant provisions of the DSA. May be relevant in the context of the ongoing proceedings. And the overall assessment of X compliance with EU law.
This is in line with what has already been done in the recent past. For example, in relation to the repercussions and amplification of terrorist content.
They're now speaking about terrorist content, or content that incites violence, hate, and racism in the EU, such as the context of the recent riots in the United Kingdom.
I urge you to promptly ensure the effectiveness of your systems, and report measures taken to my team. My services and I, will be extremely vigilant to any evidence that points to breaches of the DSA, and will not hesitate to make full use of our toolbox, including by adopting intrameasures, should it be warranted to protect the EU citizen from serious harm. This is absolutely incredible!
If you don't think they're serious. And if you don't think it affects us, let me play a Washington Post reporter, yesterday afternoon.
Cut one. Elon Musk is slated to interview Donald Trump tonight. On -- on X.
I don't know if the president is going to today. Feel free to say if he is or not.
But I think that misinformation, on Twitter, is not just a campaign issue. You know, it's an America issue.
What role does the White House, or the president have in sort of stopping that, or stopping the spread of that? Or sort of intervening in that.
Some of that was about campaign information.
But it's a wider thing.
GLENN: No. Yeah. You heard us talk about many times from here. The responsibilities that social media platforms have. When it comes to misinformation. Disinformation.
I don't have anything to read out from here, about specific ways that we're working on it.
But we believe that, that they have the responsibility. These are private companies. So we're also mindful of that too.
GLENN: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
They've outsourced it to the EU.
Remember, Elon Musk is -- is an incredible inventor. He has changed the car industry. He has changed it in numerous ways.
He has changed the way we look at going to space.
He's -- he's put a -- a rocket up in space, that returns to its platform, on the water!
He's one of the main guys from PayPal, when that started.
They loved him. They loved him. Until he bought the platform Twitter.
Well, now you're an enemy.
Because you won't play by our rules. Do you see how dystopian that is?
Do you have the cut of the judge in England?
Here's a judge sentencing a guy for something he posted on Facebook. Listen to this.
VOICE: To say that you did not want your money going to immigrants. Who, quote, rape our kids and get priority.
End quote. This offense is so serious.
That an immediate custodial sentence is unavoidable. Would you stand please? The sentence that I pass has been reduced by one-third to reflect your guilty plea. The sentence is one of 20 months imprisonment.
GLENN: Twenty months in prison, in the United Kingdom for posting, I don't want my money going to a bunch of immigrants who come here, rape our children, and then get off scot-free.
Well, I don't either. That doesn't mean all immigrants or all illegals are doing that. But there is evidence of both of those things happening. Especially in England. Of illegals, coming in, and raping children.
And the government not doing anything about it.