The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

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These 15 Lines From “1984” Are No Longer Fiction

Glenn has been warning for a while now that George Orwell’s dystopian novel, “1984,” reads like a newspaper today. Well, he recently stumbled upon an article that lays it all out. Glenn reviews the article from The Federalist, “15 Times 2024 Was Orwell’s 1984,” that shows just how dystopian our society has gotten: "That is where we are, America. We are living in 1984."

You can read the full article HERE:


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Let's say, hello, and welcome back to Stu Burguiere. hello, Stu.

STU: Hey, Glenn, how are you?

PAT: Good. Nice to have you. Nice to have you here.

Let's go true a couple of things here. I was reading a story about Donald Trump getting ready to go to the debate next week.

And he's preparing and people are speculating. Why would he ever accept?

Why would he -- so you think Donald Trump is not going to accept all of the baby conditions that Joe Biden has set for the -- for the debate?

Of course he will.

He's not going to be set. They won't say to him. Oh, well, we wanted to debate.

But he wouldn't. He'll do it. And he will do pretty well.

But Joe Biden is going to do better than he probably would, in any other format. And Donald Trump said, they'll probably pump him up.

Now, I don't know if -- I don't know if that is true. But it sure explains the performance of let's say, the State of the Union address. Where he was vigorous.

He was like, whoa!

Who is this guy?

I believe, and we won't know for decades, but I believe they are juicing him, on important nights.

This is not new, this shouldn't come as a conspiracy theory or a shock to anybody.

They did it with JFK, and they're -- they did it with FDR. In fact, FDR is probably the closest parallel to Joe Biden. FDR, the war was going well.

We're starting to turn the tides on -- on Germany. But we hadn't gone on to D-Day yet.

I'm sorry. FDR comes back from the meeting with Stalin.

And Churchill in Tehran. And as he comes back, he's got a really bad violent cough.

He starts to lose weight. He's constantly fatigued. His daughter Anna was so freaked out by all of it. That she pressed the doctors. Please, could you please have him see a cardiologist, at Bethesda. So he went in to Bethesda hospital, for examination.

And when he came out. Everything was great. No. The president is in perfect health. However, according to the medical notes, that were published, six decades later, that doctor diagnosed him with reduced lung capacity. Hypertension. Or high blood pressure.

Which we didn't have a way to treat back then. Acute bronchitis.

And most seriously, acute congestive heart failure. So now, they're not treating him, because we didn't have the medication.

The only treatment was regulating a patient's lifestyle. And, you know, herbal drugs. And then telling him, don't drink alcohol.

Tobacco. Don't do any of that. So that means in May of 1944. A month before D-Day. The daily schedule of the US. Unbeknownst to the American people, was only four hours a day.

He could only work and be involved four hours a day.

Now, he did that for a while. And he started to improve a little bit. But in July, of 1944, he had another doctor examine him. And said, he's not going to survive the term.

And he's got another full-term coming up.

And there's an election. And I don't think he will make it for the entire full-term in office.

Panel of experts were called in. They all examined.

And they all agreed. He's not going to make it.


Did the American people know that?


They didn't. It was too important to the country, to make sure that he looked strong and vigorous.

Well, what do you think is happening with Joe Biden?

Do you honestly think that things that have been done before, are not being done right now?

And what's disturbing about it, is these people work for us.

Now, I understand, maybe. Perhaps. In war. Although, no. I don't. No, I don't.

I need a president that is vigorous.

And if a president is not vigorous, especially at a time of war, I don't know if you're paying attention to what's going on in the world. But we are growing ever so close, to nuclear war.

There was a -- what was it. Oh, it was one of the former Soviet satellite states. And the president came out, and he's like, look, you can think, whatever you want about the United States. Or whatever you want about Russia.

But we're out of this. Because. Both cannot back away from this. And I think we're months away from a nuclear war. And somebody has to stand up and say, get to the peace table.

And it's -- it's very compelling. Very compelling to listen to him. So should we know about the President's health? Of course we should. But we won't.

Because we are living in the days of 1984. Listen to these 15 things, that Monroe Harlis (phonetic) pointed out in the Federalist. Fifteen ways that 1984 is 2024. Quote, from the book, the party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final and most essential command. Have you seen this? Have you seen the party demand you to reject your eyes and ears? All the time.

We're seeing it all the time. Two, endless wars. Quote, they add nothing to the wealth of the world, since whatever they produce is used for purposes of war. And the object of war is always to be in a better position in which to wage another war. End quote.

Have you seen the video of Joe Biden talking about American weapons being used for direct strikes inside of Russia?

And why -- why -- why do some people speculate, that the real purpose of this is to get rid of all our own old weapons so we can make new weapons, which will be better in the next war.

Doesn't this sound exactly like 1984. Number three, separating babies from mothers at birth. Quote, from the book, already we're breaking down the habits of the revolution which have survived from before the revolution.

Children will be taken from their mothers at birth, as one takes eggs from a hen. What exactly is the issue here?

Well, the issue is: The well-being of a child.

A living, breathing human, who was created for the sole purpose of being sold and ripped away from her mom.

This is -- this is something that is happening through surrogacy. And honestly, later in life, it is happening, because of political correctness.

Four, hatred of purity and goodness. I hate purity. I hate good is not.

I don't want virtue to exist anywhere. I want everyone to be corrupt to the bones. End quote.

Well, did -- did anybody see what -- what happened to Butker for being a Christian?

They tore him apart. Condemned him. Ray Rice. Nothing compared.

Five, the news lies. One knows the news is all lies anyway, from 1984.

Yeah. Well, what do we think? Do we all know that the news is nothing, but a lie? And now the news is saying, they are fighting advertise information?

Six, the destruction of the family. The sex impulse was dangerous to the party. And the party had to turn it to account. They had played a similar trick with the instinct of parenthood. The children on the other happened were systematically turned against their parents and taught to spy on them and report their deviations. The family had become, in fact, an extension of the thought police.

Do I need to give you an example? Seven, political correctness.

Don't you see the whole aim of newspeak is to narrow the range of thought?

In the end, we shall make thought crime literally impossible because there are no words in which to express it.

Producers. Birthing people. Chest feeding. Eight, persecution of political opponents.

Power is a means. It is an end. The object of persecution is persecution.

Reporter, President Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly.

What's your response, sir. He just smiles.

Nine, the innocent are suffering.

How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?

By making him suffer. Exactly barbecue by making him suffer.

Obedience is not enough. Unless he's suffering.

How can you be sure, he's obeying your will and not his own.

How about the 75-year-old Paulette Harlo, who is in poor health.

She also was somebody who -- I believe survived a -- a communist cooperation catch.

She's in prison for two years, for praying outside of an abortion clinic.

Truth is redefined. Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two equal four.

11, hypocrisy from government agencies. The ministry of peace concerns itself with war. The ministry of truth with lies. The ministry of love with torture. And the ministry of plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental. Nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy.

They are deliberate exercises in double think. Remember, the FBI is a terrorist organization.

It's the American Stasi. It exists entirely to terrorize the American people on behalf of a corrupt and evil regime.

No, no, no.

The FBI is the center of truth.

Contradicting beliefs. Double think means to the -- has the means -- the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one mind simultaneously, accepting both of them.

Just so we're clear here. Democrats who are campaigning against Trump. Based on dubious charges of sexual assault. They engineered.

Are still inviting people like Bill Clinton to headline big ticket events, along with his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein. Even though that's been well-established, they're still okay with that.

Thirteen, dates altered. Every record has been destroyed or falsified. Every book, rewritten. Every picture has been repainted. Every statue, street building has been renamed.

Every date has been altered.

Well, in an attempt to replace Easter, the most important Christian holiday of the year with Transgender Day. I think, you know, that kind of does it. This is the beginning, and worse is coming.

Fourteen, no trust. We have cut the links between child and parent, between man and man. No man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer. But in the future, there will be no wives. There will be no friends. And statistics are lies.

The fabulous statistics continue to pour out of the telescreen.

As compared with last year, there was more food. More clothes.

More houses. More furniture. More cooking pots.

More fuel. More helicopters. More books. More babies. More of everything. Except for poverty, disease, crime, and insanity.

That is where we are America. We are living in 1984.

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