Photo: Bloomberg
The Florida Department of Education is withholding funds from two school districts that defied an executive order from Governor Ron DeSantis banning school officials from enacting mask mandates. The districts include Alachua County Public Schools and Broward County Public Schools.
The decision to cut the funding, which was equal to the salaries of the school board members, was made despite a legal setback last week. Leon County Circuit Judge John C. Cooper ruled that the executive order is unconstitutional and "without legal authority." However, Cooper has yet to sign the ruling. When he does sign it, the Florida Department of Education said it will file an immediate appeal and ask for a stay on Judge Cooper's order.
"We're going to fight to protect parent's rights to make health care decisions for their children. They know what is best for their children," Florida Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran said in a statement. "They know what is best for their children. What's unacceptable is the politicians who have raised their right hands and pledged, under oath, to uphold the Constitution but are not doing so. Simply said, elected officials cannot pick and choose what laws they want to follow."
Broward County Public Schools said that it will continue to keep its mask mandate in place despite the loss of funds.
"The health and safety of our students, teachers, and staff continue to be our main priorities. As such, BCPS will continue to mandate masks, knowing the data shows they help minimize the spread of COVID-19 in our schools," Broward County Public Schools Interim Superintendent Vicky Cartwright said in a statement.